Price's Palm Plantation

Price's Palm Plantation has the largest and oldest collection of cycas revoluta in Australia.
We have the largest collection of Tiger Cycads outside of their native Japan.

Price's Palm Plantation is pleased to offer a high quality selection of advanced feature palms, pandanus and cycads at competitive wholesale prices to the trade.
We do not sell to private buyers although bulk orders for personal shoppers may be considered.
Please note our minimum wholesale purchase is $500 + GST.
Terms are payment in full with order.

Wholesale Price List (ex-GST


Lipstick Palm Spring Sale

Local's Special "Buy 1 Get 1 Free"

5m-6m lipstick palms
This September only

Solid, sun grown specimens ranging from 4m to 6m overall height


35 years old 6m now just $4000

27 years old 5m now just $3000

20 years old 4m now just $2000

Limited stock



Australia's oldest and largest Cycas revoluta collection

Cycas revoluta

Our most popular plant and beloved throughout the world for its totemic beauty.

A mainstay in high-end landscape designs, this dinosaur-era plant is as desirable as it is long-lived (up to 1000 years!)

cycas revoluta

We have an unparalleled selection of 1.8m-2.5m clear trunk specimens in 200L and 400L planter bags

Single, double, triple and multiheaded, straight trunked or curved, with or without suckers


Our 36+ year old cycad prices range from $2000- $10 000


cycas revoluta


$5000 5k
$2500 2k
The Secret to Perfect Cycad Foliage  


Beccariophoenix fenestralis

The Rainforest Coconut Palm, a rare and beautiful Madagascan native, perfect for coastal areas and most climes.
Once mature it attains the classic coconut palm tree look without the dangerous coconuts

Exground stock
5m $2500
6m $3500
Larger specimens to 12m POA


Bottle Palm
(Hyophorbe lagenicaulis)

Named due to its distinctive bottle-shaped trunk, this mid-sized, slow growing palm tree is perfect for where excessive height may be an issue

Our oldest specimens here are 30 years old and the tallest of those, just 4.5m. You'll be decades ahead when you choose the perfect feature plantĀ from us!



Ex-ground specimens
3m $2000
3.5m $3000
4m $4000
4.5m $5000


Cardboard cycad
(Zamia furfuracea)

The stiff leafed mainstay from Mexico is a drought resistant, great value, sun grown cycad


200L bag $1000. Massive 35 year old exground specimens POA.

Our extensive range of zamias means that we have a plant that's perfect for your garden


Cycas thouarsii

Quite possibly the world's fastest growing cycad flushing up to 6 times a year with tall dark bluish-green foliage

Price's Palm Plantation has a large range of bagged and ex-ground cycas thouarsii with trunks from 1.5m to 4m at $1000 per metre


Dracaena concinna

A broad leafed, fast growing, hardy ornamental with delightful cork-coloured trunk

D. concinna

100L bags 1.5m+ $500


Licuala ramsayii

Arguably Australia's most beautiful native palm tree, this popular North Queensland endemic species lives and grows as far south as Sydney

100L bag multi-planted
1.8m $750


Ex-ground stock
4m $4000
5m $5000

Larger specimens to 8m height POA


Pandanus baptistii (variegated)

This rare, smooth edged subtropical species makes a stunning feature plant without the spines that all other pandanus species carry


Sun grown P. baptistii in 200L bags
2.5mĀ from $1750


Pandanus utilis
(Red-edged Pandanus)

A beautifully coloured pandan from Madagascar, fast growing and waterwise with brilliant foliage

200L bag 3m $2000

Limited bag stock POA


Rhapis excelsa

The ultimate in prestigious indoors palms or as an understory feature par excellence

120L bag
2.5m $1250
3m $1500
3.5m $1750
4m $2000

ex-ground stock available POA


Tiger Cycad™

The gilt-edged Tiger Cycad (Cycas revoluta var. aurea) has the same growth and climatic tolerance as the common green Cycas revoluta yet it is aesthetically stunningly superior. It can be grown indoors or in full sun. It is both water wise and hardy. It is the jewel in the crown of any cycad collection

100L bag $2000 sun grown with 1 metre trunk

Prices are subject to change without notice.
L denotes litre (ie) soil capacity of planter bag.
Transport can be readily arranged to suit your requirements.
Please don't hesitate to contact us should you have any questions.

Terms and Conditions


Nursery Stock:
We are wholesalers and only supply in wholesale quantities to the Trade.
Private buyers who wish to purchase in bulk will be considered on an
individual basis.
Minimum wholesale purchase $500 + GST.
Payment in full with order.


Ex-Ground Stock
Upon ordering exground stock Price's Palm Plantation requires payment in full prior to commencement of digging.


Transport of Stock
Price's Palm Plantation will arrange transport for nursery or exground stock from our premises to virtually anywhere in Australia.
We use only reputable and experienced movers and our staff always oversee the entire loading process.
However, our responsibility ends when the goods have been loaded.

